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Accounting Information Systems

What is an Accounting Information System (AIS)

An Accounting Information System (AIS) is a system used by businesses to gather, store, manage, process, retrieve and present financial information. The aim of an AIS is to provide relevant, timely and accurate financial information to support decision-making by various stakeholders such as accountants, business analysts, managers, and financial regulators.

An accounting information system is formally designed to collect data, transform it into information and then disseminate or distribute the processed information to the relevant users.

In this regard, an AIS handles business or organizational accounting and finance data that it collects, processes, and distributes in the form of informational reports to the relevant internal and external stakeholders. Besides the existence of manual AISs, the majority that are there today are computerised. At TopPaperArchive, we have a team of accountants that can help write your accounting information systems homework.

Components of an Accounting Information System

Accounting Information System Components

Basically, an AIS is an integration of six parts, which include:

How to Master Your Accounting Information Systems Homework Help in 3 Easy Steps

Read on to discover the Key to Acing Your AIS Homework with Our Insider Tips:

1. Grasp the Fundamentals of Accounting Information Systems

To effectively tackle homework in accounting information systems, a strong understanding of the basics such as ledgers, journals, and financial statements is crucial. If you require assistance, turn to our tutors who will guide you through the foundational concepts until you attain confidence in the material.

2. Familiarize yourself thoroughly with your accounting software

An AIS course typically involves the use of accounting software to complete assignments. To be able to complete your homework efficiently, it is essential to have a good understanding of the software. Our tutors can aid in mastering any accounting software, including QuickBooks and Sage50cloud Accounting.

3. Practice to Perfect

Acing your AIS homework requires consistent practice. The more accounting problems you solve, the more confident you’ll be for exams and tests. Working with a tutor who offers personalized feedback and instant solutions to questions is an excellent way to learn. At we offer 24/7 access to thousands of experienced tutors who can help you practice accounting problems until you’re confident in handling any challenge posed by your professor.

What is Accounting Information System (AIS) Documentation?

Accounting information System Documentation is the process that mainly employs the use of diagrams in tracing the flow of accounting and finance data through an AIS. It involves the use of the readily available numerous software.

Importance of Accounting Information Systems Documentation

Types of AIS Documentation

There are many types of AIS documentation types or techniques. Some of the AIS documentation we can help you with include:

Documentation Guidelines for Each of the Techniques/Types

Flow charts

Flow charts exist in two forms; that is, document and system flowcharts.

A document flowchart process follows the guidelines as outlined below:

  1. Identification of all the involved departments
  2. Activities classification based on the identified departments
  3. Use color-coding or numbering to identify documents
  4. Account for all the distributed document copies
  5. Undertake connection by using similar letter or number with the on-page and off-page connectors.
  6. Ensure clarity through document annotation
  7. Sequence on need and importance basis
  8. Eliminate the possibility of confusion by avoiding the use of acronyms

As for the System Flowchart process, it follows the guidelines outlined below:

  1. The formulated arrangement must ensure that reading takes place from the top to bottom or left to right
  2. Appropriate standard symbols should be used
  3. The sandwich rule requires the use of a process symbol between an input and an output symbol
  4. Crossed lines and cluttered flowcharts are avoided using connectors
  5. Before the final draft is designed, a flowchart has to be sketched
  6. Clarification is ensured through the use of comments and annotated descriptions

Process Maps

A process map involves the use of diagrams to document business processes to enhance the ease of following and understanding. The following steps are involved in drawing process maps:-

  1. Ensure focus by identifying and defining the process of interest
  2. Define and understand the process map purpose
  3. Collect ideas, suggestions and comments from stakeholders particularly the employees
  4. It is also important to note process map components incusing inputs, outputs, and enablers
  5. Key decision points must be clearly shown while paying attention to the level of details captured.
  6. The use of “What is?” should be ensured in the mapping process while avoiding the use of “should be” or “ could be” perspectives.

Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)

A DFD is mainly used in accounting information systems to development process particularly to analyse an existing system. DFDs are drawn considering the following guidelines:

  1. High levels of detail should be avoided by ensuring that each DFD has only between five to seven processes
  2. Different names should be given to different data flows
  3. Inflow and outflow of data should be ensured in each data store
  4. Temporary files can also be included in a DFD process
  5. Most of the final recipients of system information should be classified as eternal entities while the personnel and departments responsible for processing the current system data should be categorised as internal entities
  6. Only normal processing routines should be displayed in high-level DFDs
  7. Several system entities performing the same task should be represented using only one entity

Accounting Information System (AIS) documentation is both a complex and a highly detailed process. Apart from the major tools identified above, there are others like program flowcharts, decision tables and graphical documentation software tools. Additionally, there are numerous accounting information systems exam questions and answers near you where one can get information to unearth more details regarding the AIS documentation techniques including their diagrammatic representations making it easier and simpler to understand the concept.

Accounting information System (AIS) Assignment Help

Struggling with your AIS homework? You are not alone. This subject is often considered one of the most challenging for students. But don’t let it get you down. Top Paper Archives is here to assist. We are a premier online tutoring platform linking students who need accounting essay help like you with specialists who can offer the necessary guidance and support to achieve academic success.

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