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Cell Biology Homework help

Cell biology, also known as cytology or cellular biology, is the field of study that involves examining and understanding the structure of the cell and its functions. It is a very important branch of biology because the cell is the basic unit of life. It contains the vital molecules that enable a living thing to function. Despite being the smallest independently-functioning unit in an organism, the cell’s function and structure are very complex. The study is, therefore, divided into different Cellular Biology research topics to cover all the areas of the cell.

Cell Structure

The structure of the cell determines its function. The basic cell structure is made up of the cell membrane, the cytoplasm, and the nucleus. Each of these structural elements plays a vital role in enabling a cell to carry out its normal activities. The structure of the cell varies depending on its specific function in the living organism.

Physiological Properties

This involves the study of the characteristics of a living cell that enable it to carry out its normal activities such as reproduction, growth, and environmental response. This topic mainly focuses on the properties of the cell membrane, which controls the transport of materials into and out of the cell. The temperature, pH, and properties of each of the organelles in the cell are also studied.


Organelles are important elements found in the cytoplasm of a cell. Each organelle carries out a specific function that is crucial for the survival of the cell. For example, the mitochondrion provides energy for the cell by carrying out cellular respiration. Different cells have different sets of organelles depending on their functions. As a Cell Biologist, studying each of these organelles helps one understand the role of the cell in a living system.

Cell Cycle

The cell has the ability to replicate itself and produce more cells through a process known as cell division. Every new cell is usually the result of the division of another cell. The process of cell division involves a series of events that take place in an adult cell leading to the duplication of the genetic material and the division of the cytoplasm. The daughter cells acquired after cell division are usually similar to the parent. The five basic steps involved in cell division are interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The production of new cells is important in a living organism for purposes such as growth and organ renewal.

Cell Death

At some point, the cell stops carrying out its functions and is said to be dead. This can occur due to old age, disease, injury, or death of the organism. The death of a cell can be either programmed or necrotic. In programmed cell death, the cell causes its own death in response to a stimulus. This kind of cell death is normal and beneficial to the cell in many ways, such as maintaining the optimum number of cells in a living organism and eliminating pre-cancerous cells. In necrosis, the cell dies prematurely due to injury that leads to the membrane being severely damaged thus the organelles are released from the cell.

Studying the structure and function of the cell is useful in understanding the entire organism and life in general. Cell biology is a wide area of study because the cell is the fundamental unit of life. The topics discussed here should be studied in-depth to have a better understanding of the cell. In case of any difficulties in the field of cytology, there are various dedicated experts that offer Biology help online.

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